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Hey Doug - me again. Your excellent post made me think - again. Two things.

First you said: "because Hidden Paths is longer, we can sell it for a higher price point." So you are pricing your books based on weight? That doesn't make economic sense. This product is more intellectual property than fire wood. I have said for years you aren't charging enough. Sure some subset of customers will complain at higher prices but you need to make enough to be worth your time and mindshare. I suggest that's at a much higher price point. The work is excellent - price it as such. Not by weight.

Second, you said your work is not getting visibility. That's all on you. No matter how good the product, its critical that you make the sales happen. In the online universe that means fighting to get reviews, interviews (you are a delightful and interesting interview) and missionaries. Tons of ideas to make that happen if you want to talk. Also ChatGPT is available to help you think through it :-)

Much love HB

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